Отдел истории Востока


Всеобщая история. Т. 1. Древний Восток и Античность : учебное пособие. 2-е изд., доп. и перераб Всеобщая история. Т. 1. Древний Восток и Античность : учебное пособие. 2-е изд., доп. и перераб

Васильев Леонид Сергеевич

Всеобщая история. Т. 1. Древний Восток и Античность : учебное пособие. 2-е изд., доп. и перераб

Москва, 2015, 517 стр.

В центре книги - страны, народы и государства Востока в древности, события и проблемы их истории. Античность на фоне их консервативной стабильности воспринимается как мутация, давшая толчок иной структуре, системе власти и типу общества. Это гражданское общество, протокапиталистическая активность предпринимателей и рыночных торговцев, производственная модернизация.

English version

This solid piece of work has the character of not only study guide, but also an innovative scientific research. The first four volumes were already published in 2007 – 2010, but for this edition they were substantially revised and enlarged. In this six-volume set the author suggests a completely new concept of historical process. Its essence is in the perception of history as a permanent rivalry between East and West. The problem of the meaning of history and the laws of evolution is considered in the first volume. This volume presents the countries, peoples and states of Eastern antiquity. On their background the Antiquity is a mutation that gave impetus to the success of the new system of power and new type of society. Since that moment, in the opinion of the author, civil society, pro-capitalistic activity, industrial modernization and active westernization started to develop. Along with Greece, Rome, and Palestine equal attention is paid to the countries of the East. The author touches upon all civilizations of the world. Much attention is paid to the development and confrontation of the Christian and Muslim worlds. The book is meant for undergraduate and graduate students of the Departments of History, Humanities and Social Studies of the Universities, lecturers, as well as for all readership interested in history.