Отдел истории Востока


Алевиты Турции Алевиты Турции
Алевиты Турции Алевиты Турции

Жигульская Дарья Владимировна

Алевиты Турции

Москва, 2016, 116 стр.

Книга представляет собой исторический очерк турецкого алевизма – региональной формы ислама, зародившейся в Центральной Анатолии и существующей в современной Турции. Особое внимание уделяется особенностям алевитского вероучения, исторической динамике его развития и модификации, а также постоянно возрастающей роли алевитских сообществ в современных политических и общественных процессах в Турции. Книга рассчитана на специалистов-востоковедов, тюркологов, этнологов, религиоведов, политологов и может быть использована также в качестве учебного пособия.

English version

The book represents a historical essay of Turkish Alevism, which is a regional form of Islam that originated in Central Anatolia and exists in modern Turkey. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of Alevi religious doctrine, historical dynamics of its development and modification. The author also focuses on the ever-increasing role of Alevi communities in modern political and social processes in Turkey. Alevism and the Alevis has been one of the most widely discussed issues in Turkey for more than two decades now. It is particularly important to note the multi-faceted nature of this debate. For the problem of Alevism concerns not only the status of Alevi doctrine: it actually comprises a whole set of issues that must be resolved as a matter of priority for any democratic society. These include respect for human rights and freedoms, combating discrimination in cultural and religious fields, ensuring equal participation by all sectors of the population in the country’s social and political life, etc. Thus, far from becoming less relevant over time, the Alevi issue is now more relevant than ever. The publication of this monograph is a reflection of the growing role of Turkish Alevism and is an attempt to provide a comprehensive and objective overview of that complex phenomenon. The book is meant for Orientalists, turkologists, ethnologists, religious scholars, political analysts, and may be also used as a study guide.